New Publications in “Technopolitics and the Making of Europe”
Two new Processing Citizenship publications recently appeared within the collected volume Technopolitics and the Making of Europe. Infrastructures of In/Security (2023), edited by Nina Klimburg-Witjes and Paul Trauttmansdorff, London: Routledge. Infrastructures manage the circulation of materials, knowledge, data, values, and people; they safeguard security for some and create insecurity for others. But how do…
Read More >>The Processing Citizenship Final Conference: A Report
Conference Report by the PC Team 1. Whispering time’s grasp, Borders crumble, knowledge blooms, Fragility’s art. 2. Fleeting temporal, Boundaries fade, wisdom roams, Fragile dance of truth. 3. Whispers of the clock, Borders vanish, knowledge soars, Fragility’s muse. (Can ChatGPT do good haiku? Well… see for yourself! These are three ChatGPT haiku based on panel…
Read More >>Press release about Processing Citizenship
Unibo magazine, the online newspaper of the University of Bologna, recently published an article about Processing Citizenship. The article discusses the problems raised and addressed by our project: the role played by databses in the identification and registration of third-country nationals; the consequences that the design of these databases have on people’s life; the prioritization…
Read More >>ERC Processing Citizenship final conference, June 26-27 2023, University of Bologna
On June 26th-27th 2023, Processing Citizenship final conference will take place in Bologna. Started in 2017, the Processing Citizenship project ( will reach an end in August 2023. Twelve team members have worked on the project over these years and many members of the Advisory Board. A dozen supporters inside and outside academia have provided…
Read More >>NEW PUBLICATION: Telling ‘more complex stories’ of European integration: how a sociotechnical perspective can help explain administrative continuity in the Common European Asylum System
In a new article, titled “Telling ‘more complex stories’ of European integration: how a sociotechnical perspective can help explain administrative continuity in the Common European Asylum System“, Annalisa Pelizza and Chiara Loschi explain an apparent paradox in the Common European Asylum System (CEAS): despite political stalemate over CEAS legislative reform and lack of trust amongst MSs, administrative cooperation shows operational continuity. Drawing on the…
Read More >>STS-Migtec & Processing Citizenship joint workshop has materialized!
On the 21 and 22 March, almost 40 scholars reached Bologna to attend the workshop organized by STS-Migtec and the ERC Processing Citizenship team, at the University of Bologna, Department of Philosophy and Communication, and online. Having launched the call for papers on November 2022, the joint committee STS-MIGTEC and ERC Processing Citizenship team selected papers…
Read More >>New Publication: “Borders, Migration, and Technology in the Age of Security: Intervening with STS”
In a new article, Paul Trauttmansdorff conceptually maps some of the core strands in the multidisciplinary literature at the intersection of critical border and migration studies, critical security studies, and science and technologies studies (STS). This scenario in Tecnoscienza- Italian Journal of Science & Technology Studies alsoreflects on some major research avenues for STS to…
Read More >>Program STSMigTec/Processing Citizenship Workshop 2023
STS-MIGTEC & Processing Citizenship Workshop 2023 will take place in Bologna and online on March 21-22, 2023. If you would like to attend the event (in Bologna or online), please register your interest by emailing to by March 17 with the subject: Workshop. The workshop will host six panels and one round-table session. Click here…
Read More >>STS Italia Conference 2023 – Bologna 28-30 June
The 9th STS Italia Conference will be held in Bologna, (28-30 June 2023). The Conference welcomes paper proposals contributing to the effort of unpacking the ambiguous concept of “interest” from a more-than-human perspective. The conference is intended to provide a dynamic, equal and multidisciplinary context to present conceptual, methodological and analytical insights in the heterogeneous…
Read More >>Joint STS-MIGTEC and Processing Citizenship Workshop 2023
The research network STS-MIGTEC and Processing Citizenship invite scholars at different career stages to a research workshop. We invite contributions at the intersection of science and technology studies (STS), critical migration, security, surveillance and border studies, and related disciplines. You can submit your papers either to specific thematic panels (please find details here) or to open panels:…